Welcome to Magus Masonica

Livin' in hater's minds rent free - since 2006

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it."-

In the past 13 years since the inception of this site, we've NEVER received as much e-mail (cumulatively) about one individual as we have about Mr. Brad Cofield- Ed King-Masonicinfo.com

It may seem that we are being harsh to this individual, but only because everything he stands for flies in the face of our sacred traditions.
-inactive Mason and rabid fanboy Bryan Caldwell

Saturday, December 4, 2010

C.B.C.S. and the 1613 Nation

It is my pleasure to announce, in total fraternal partnership with the THE ORDER OF THE KNIGHT BENEFICENT OF THE HOLY CITY L'Ordre de Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cité Sainte Sovereign Great Priory of Bulgaria (C.B.C.S.) and the THE ORDER OF THE KNIGHT BENEFICENT OF THE HOLY CITY L'Ordre de Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cité Sainte Sovereign Great Priory of d'Italia (C.B.C.S) that we consecrate on this day 12/04/10 the Priory of St.Germain-1613 Nation.

This will be the mother Priory of the Scottish Rectified Rite for the 1613 Nation with it's Headquarters located in Atlanta, GA.

We have been working hard with our fraternal allies to bring the C.B.C.S. to the 1613 Nation. Membership is open to all 1613 Masons and the Priory is harmony with the 1613 Manifesto.

This is a great day for all Masons, a very proud one for the Nation.

A full list of Lodges under Priory St. Germain will be listed in 2011

Brief history of the C.B.C.S. courtesy of
THE ORDER OF THE KNIGHT BENEFICENT OF THE HOLY CITY L'Ordre de Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cité Sainte Sovereign Great Priory of Bulgaria.

The Scottish Rectified Rite or Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cité-Sainte (CBCS) - Knights Beneficent of the Holy City - was originally a Masonic rite, a reformed variant of the Rite of Strict Observance which, in its highest degrees, uses Masonic-type rituals to demonstrate the philosophy which underlies both Martinism and the practices of the Elus-Cohens. The CBCS was founded in the late 18th Century by Jean-Baptiste Willermoz, who was a pupil of Martinez de Pasqually and a contemporary of Saint-Martin. The CBCS has managed to survive as a continually practiced rite from its founding until the present day, both as a purely masonic rite, and as a detached Rite which is also open for women.

The C.’.B.’.C.’.S.’. is the chivalric branch of the Martinist tradition, where Knighthood meets the Martinist doctrine.
The aim of the C.’.B.’.C.’.S.’. is enable the Chevalieres to follow the Imitation of Christ, and adopt a life of moral chivalry as the basis of all spiritual attainment. Furthering the personal work of rebuilding what once was lost, the work of the Knights and the Dames of the order is to manifest the charitable teachings of Martinism in the world through beneficent and unselfish deeds. C.’.B.’.C.’.S.’. is thus the chivalric branch of the Martinist tradition, the poor knights of Christ.

Of course the C.B.C.S. as worked under the 1613 Nation is in full unity with the 1613 Manifesto. It is open to all 1613 Freemasons.


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