Welcome to Magus Masonica

Livin' in hater's minds rent free - since 2006

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it."-

In the past 13 years since the inception of this site, we've NEVER received as much e-mail (cumulatively) about one individual as we have about Mr. Brad Cofield- Ed King-Masonicinfo.com

It may seem that we are being harsh to this individual, but only because everything he stands for flies in the face of our sacred traditions.
-inactive Mason and rabid fanboy Bryan Caldwell

Saturday, August 23, 2008


I am proud to introduce Temple Sobek-Ra. This is a brand new temple under the guidance of the M.E.A.P.R.M.M. Washington State. The High Priest of Temple Sobek-Ra is Bro. Brenda Carnes 94° . Please join me in supporting this new temple.

We are continuing our growth, times are good.


BC 96°
National Head Of Washington State
Masoneria Egipcia del Antiguo Primitivo Rito de Memphis Misraim
"Trois la dirigent, cinq l'éclairent, sept la rendent juste et parfaite"


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Brother ...

Magus Masonica said...

Thank you Brother. Good times are ahead.

Stewvan said...

Well done brother. It is truly exciting to see the modern masonic principles take hold in this country. My warmest regards to all your borthers and sisters.

Anonymous said...
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Devia WildOak said...
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Magus Masonica said...

Th wrong photo was posted with this blog by the enthusiastic and spirited staff of Magus Masonica. We apologize for any and all confusion.

Thanks for reading our blog.

Christopher Hodapp said...

So why are you using a photo from the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania now, while slapping your own name across it? Is that plagiarism or enthusiasm?

Magus Masonica said...

Call it what you will Mr.Hodapp. I will let you decide what works best for you.