Welcome to Magus Masonica

Livin' in hater's minds rent free - since 2006

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it."-

In the past 13 years since the inception of this site, we've NEVER received as much e-mail (cumulatively) about one individual as we have about Mr. Brad Cofield- Ed King-Masonicinfo.com

It may seem that we are being harsh to this individual, but only because everything he stands for flies in the face of our sacred traditions.
-inactive Mason and rabid fanboy Bryan Caldwell

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Welcome to Magus Masonica

Hello, and welcome to the inaugural Magus Masonica blog. Magus Masonica is the official blog of
the Masoneria Egipcia del Antiguo Primitivo Rito de Memphis Misraim (M.E.A.R.P.M.M.)
Washington State.

Here you will find Masoneria Egipcia del Antiguo Primitivo Rito de Memphis Misraim news, events and specific information regarding Operative and Alchemical Freemasonry. You may also find blogs on specific topics of my own personal interests. It is my hope that you may find this information enlightening, interesting, entertaining and perhaps even a little introspective.

Join me on a journey through the Masonic, alchemical, esoteric, mystical and just plain relevant.
It is going to be a fun ride.


BC 96°
National Head Of Washington State
Masoneria Egipcia del Antiguo Primitivo Rito de Memphis Misraim
"Trois la dirigent, cinq l'éclairent, sept la rendent juste et parfaite"

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