Welcome to Magus Masonica

Livin' in hater's minds rent free - since 2006

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it."-

In the past 13 years since the inception of this site, we've NEVER received as much e-mail (cumulatively) about one individual as we have about Mr. Brad Cofield- Ed King-Masonicinfo.com

It may seem that we are being harsh to this individual, but only because everything he stands for flies in the face of our sacred traditions.
-inactive Mason and rabid fanboy Bryan Caldwell

Saturday, April 23, 2011

1613 Nation Introduces First HRA Chapter

2011 is shaping up to a banner year for Post-Modern Freemasonry. The Nation grows stronger with each passing day as our determined Brethren continue to prove what determined builders of pure motive and divine inspiration can accomplish. Holy Royal Arch Freemasonry is something very beautiful and unique. I never imagined in our still neonatal stage as a independent community we would be able to offer this current of Freemasonry. I am so proud that my expectations have been exceeded. Chapter St. Thomas Aquinas is located in Orlando, Florida. The Chapter is open to all 1613 Master Masons and they work in tandem with our Craft lodge in Orlando, Lodge Frederick Douglass. Chapter St. Thomas Aquinas works four degrees of Royal Arch Freemasonry.

° Mark Master
° Past Master
° Most Excellent Master
° Holy Royal Arch

This is a glorious and proud day for the Nation. Please join me Brethren and friends in offering sincere congratulations to our worthy Brethren.
If you're a Master Mason currently in good standing within your local 1613 Nation lodge and our interested in the path of Royal Arch Freemasonry please, don't hesitate to contact Chapter Aquinas.




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